ANSI, Split Case, Sump, Multi-Stage, Sewage, Booster, Fire, Regenerative Turbine, Condensate, Boiler Feed Pumps
Vertical Turbine, Propeller, Horizontal Split Case, Solids Handling, Submersible Pumps, Recessed Impeller, Slurry, Solids Handling, Hard Metal pumps.
Submersible Sewage, Sump, Grinder, and Effluent Pumps.
Piston, Plunger, Centrifugal, Waste Water, Submersible, Self-Priming, Grinder, Dewatering, Basin Systems, Jet, Booster, Sump, Effluent, Utility, Controls.
Heavy Duty Reciprocating Plunger Pumps, Alloy Construction.
Submersible, Self-Priming, Centrifugal, Jet, Well, Booster Pumps and accessories.
Engineered pumping systems, stations and controls for water, waste water and storm water applications.
Filter Cartridges, high capacity, high flow--Absolute (Beta 5000) and Nominal Efficiencies. Hydrocarbon and Organic removal elements for polishing, Pleated Cartridge Filter Replacements for most major manufacturers, Pleated bags (fit existing size 2 bag housings without equipment modification), Coalescers
ANSI/ASME B73.1 Centrifugal Process Pumps
Pumps for various applications: brands include Barnes, Deming, Burks, Crown, Prosser, and Weinman
Solid Separators and Filtration Solutions.
Heavy Duty Seal-Less Centrifugal Pumps for abrasive and
corrosive applications
Submersible solids handling pumps, End suction centrifugal pumps, Vertical Turbines, Well Pumps and Mixers
Fluid Filtration and Treatment Solutions
Pumping solutions for solids and sludge handling.
Eddy Current variable speed drives, Variable Frequency Drives, Eddy Current Water-Cooled Couplings and Salient Pole Drives designed for water and wastewater applications.
Suspended Air Flotation (SAF) systems
Control Panels, Variable Frequency Drives, Alarm Systems, Level Monitoring, Control Switches, Floats.
Progressive Cavity and Peristaltic hose pumps, Heavy
duty Valve; Slurry Knife Gate Valve, Rotary Disc Valve, Scaling Watch, Pulsation Dampener